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Building Your Personal Brand Review

For anyone who knows me on a personal level, or have been following me, it’s safe to say I am truly inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk.

I was fortunate enough to hear him speak live, and meet him in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2013 at the Atlantic Internet Marketing Conference.

A few days ago, I completed the Building a Personal Brand course, by Udemy with Gary Vaynerchuk. This course was very enlightening, and helped reassure that I’m on the right path as an entrepreneur.

Although I follow Gary Vaynerchuk on a daily basis, and read his books – Thank You Economy, Crush It!, and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, I found great value in the course.

The course consisted of 49 lectures over 10 sections. Each lecture was between two-five minutes long and packed a punch. It made you really look at yourself to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and how to utilize the different distribution channels through social media sites to tell your story and build your brand.

He took the time to briefly discuss the psychology behind each social network, and how to respectfully attack them with appropriate content. For those who do not realize this, would find great value in this portion of the course. For me, I found it very reassuring that I am doing this, but that I need to take the time to create more content.

There were a few great videos, which I’ve seen before and watch on a daily basis for inspiration.

One is greater than Zero and Overnight Success are two of my most favorite pieces of content Gary has ever created, which were rolled into this course.

These videos are packed with so much truth, you have to sit and reflect – Do I have the audacity to think I am bigger than what I really am? How much work do you have to put in to become a success?

Nothing happens overnight, regardless of what people may say or think. You have to put the work in, and even though your content might only reach five to ten people, or 100-500 people, don’t undervalue these views. It just takes the right view. What if there is a CEO of a major company watching your video, or reading your content?

Overall, I’d give this course a five star rating and recommend if you are having questions about how to build your personal brand, to enroll in the course and gain these insights.


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